A Journey into a Team's Workflows

or how to navigate chaos and bring order to data projects!

“I thought my code was clear and organized, but I figured out it was not!", that’s how a data analyst told me after a couple of sessions I held to examine the workflows of different team members and discuss their practices. I like to help people reach this realization to see the value of improving their workflows to them as well as to others with whom they collaborate. And when I say workflows I mean how to organize a project? [Read More]
R  python  data 

Collaborative Filtering Using Embeddings

goodreads recommendations

Everyday we deal with online platforms that use recommendation systems. There are different approaches to implement such systems and it depends on the product, the available data and more. This post will mainly focus on collaborative filtering using embeddings as a way to learn about latent factors. I learned about this approach months ago from fast.ai Practical Deep Learning for Coders lessons. I also found out that StichFix wrote about the same concept in a blog post last year Understanding Latent Style. [Read More]