Tidy Eval Meets ggplot2

The Bang Bang Plots

Almost a year ago I wrote about my My First Steps into The World of Tidy Eval. At the end I tweeted asking Hadley Wickham and Lionel Henrey whether ggplot2 was compatible with the tidy eval, They said that it was on the todo list. Finally, ggplot2 3.0.0 got released last week with the support of tidy eval, so I thought it was time to write about it! ggplot2 3. [Read More]

My First Steps into The World of Tidy Eval

Bang Bang!!

A couple of months ago, Tidy eval was something that I passed by, but didn’t have time to explore. As usual, sometimes one gets busy with the daily work, and puts some stuff aside to come back to. However, I like to find ways that give me a higher level of flexibility and more control. So mid June, I had an inquiry regarding programming around dplyr. I wasn’t sure how to pass a variable column names to purrr::map, so I opened an issue; purrr::map() support for SE/variable column names? [Read More]
R  Tidyeval